Year End Awards- High Point!

YEA winners for 2023:

Congratulations to all our riders for a fun and successful show season! We would like to recognize the following members and their horses for their achievements in our NCDA shows:


Reserve Champion:

Award of Distinction: Andrea Chirich and Storm

Volunteer of the Year: Kelly McGhee

Thank you to Julie Haugen for sponsoring the Western Dressage High Point Champion and Reserve Champion!

Did you know that at each show, members earn points towards our year end high point award?

NCDA hosts 3 events that allow NCDA Members to earn points towards the high point award: Ride a Test, Show I, and Show II.

At each event, the rider/horse combo with the highest score will get 3 points; the second highest score will get 2 points; and the third highest score will get 1 point. You can earn points this way at all three events NCDA hosts. The award will be split into traditional and western dressage!

The member/horse combo with the highest amount of earned points is our High-Point winner!

Renee Martin (Dec 1946 – Oct 2022)

Jo Ann Stafford (Dec 1946- Aug 2009) riding Gorgeous George

“Yahoo” Bronze Sculpture #24/100 By Cammie Lundeen

Cammie Lundeen grew up in rural Idaho, where the family had 8 acres of pasture. She spent a lot of time working on ranches and started showing draft horses in competitions. She also had a summer job on Mackinac Island, where there are no cars—only horses, and became the first woman carriage driver there. She attended the University of Idaho, where she was involved in the equine program/ Her interest in art paralleled her interest in horses, continually sketching and doing animal portraits. After moving to Loveland and marrying into the sculpting family of Lundeens, she continues to spend many hours riding and working with horses.

“Bravado” by Renee Martin
The resin sculpture by Renee Martig is a resemblance of the Andalusian breed, meant to express the strong, brave nature of all horses.

In Memory of Renee Martig Dec 1946 – Oct 2022
Colorado native, Renee Martig, was a bronze artist from Loveland, Colorado. Renee had a successful career in art that spanned several decades and explored many mediums. In 1996 she established SilverPony Designs, a multi-faceted wholesale business featuring her original art, including sterling silver and pewter pendants. Many of you may have a collection of Renee’s pewter Christmas ornaments in your home. In 2004 she was given the opportunity to design and sculpt horses interacting with children and dogs. The statues were featured in a prominent national catalog.  Her work was very well received and bronze sculptures were added to her list of credits. Renee used her emotional connection with horses to create a sensitive portrayal of her equine subjects; capturing a moment in time while showing the spirit and character of each individual. She said, “Horses have always been one of my favorite subjects, in art as well as in life--I've been horse crazy as long as I can remember.” Renee served as NCDA President (2013-2015) and volunteered for many of our activities and events.

In Memory of Jo Ann Stafford Dec 1945-Aug 2009
On August 23, 2009, Jo Ann Stafford unexpectedly passed away at her home in Mitchell, Nebraska. Many of us in the Rocky Mountain region will remember her for her achievements—both in the equestrian world and in her artistic portrayal of the horse. Jo was involved with both horses and art all of her life, riding all types of horses in a wide variety of disciplines. Her success in the equestrian world included training her horse, Gorgeous George, to Prix St. George level; breeding and training Hanoverians by her stallion, Alhambra; and training with dressage masters such as Karen Schlueter and Charles de Kunffy. In the art world, Jo successfully created and managed J&S Sculpture Company. Her art grew out of that love and passion for horses, and a desire to portray the movement, spirit, mannerisms, and individual personalities of horses. Jo’s sculptures were admired and purchased by both art and horse lovers from around the world.