Volunteer Opportunities


Why Volunteer?

1) Logistics- our club is 100% volunteer based.
2) Community- interact and support like minded people to have fun with their horses
3) Year End Awards- starting 2023 there will be minimal hours required to be eligible for year end awards
4) Fun- we are a fun group of people to spend a coupe of hours with

What can I do?

While our biggest needs are day of show volunteers, that is not the only thing our club needs volunteers for:

  • Officer or other board positions

  • Show committee (new for 2023)

  • Events committee (new for 2023)

  • Educational Presentations

  • Setup/Tear down show/events

  • Take pictures at events

  • Manage the website

  • Coordinate social media posts

  • and more!

Who should I contact

If you are interested in volunteering your time, knowledge, and/or skills, please send the club an email at: